Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Long Cloth, An Expanded Fairy Tale

There was always a fairy tale where three geese opened a box, found some silk,
and, if the silk had been longer, the tale would have been too.

What if they MADE it longer?

So, they set to work on finding as many cloths as they could, and sewing them together.
They sewed and sewed until they reached the shore, where, though they had plenty
cloth, they could sew no more. Without getting wet, that is.

An old gnome saw their predicament, and said he'd cast a spell on the cloth and geese
that would keep them dry,in exchange for the feathers of one,
for he needed them to stuff his pillow.

The eldest one agreed, and the gnome plucked off all her feathers until she was bare.
After the spell was cast, they continued sewing and sewing until they reached an island
where they were attacked by a ferocious bear!

Luckily, a bear hunter was in the area, and shot and killed said bear.
He said he'd let the geese use the bearskin as part of the cloth, in exchange for
an egg.

The youngest one laid an egg, and they continued onward.
Then they found a boat, and sewed their cloth into a sail.

After they reached the next island, they cut the cloth back up, and sewed it into a coat.

The local King had a marvelous looking coat, but it was insanely itchy, and so he got rid of it.
He decreed that he would reward anyone who came with a coat that was warm and comfortable,
and he wouldn't care how it looked.

Indeed, their coat looked quite shabby, but it fit the requirements, and so the King rewarded them by decreeing that no man shall eat those three geese, and allowed them to live in his palace the rest of their days.

And so they lived... Well, it's a fairy tale! You know @#$% well how they lived thereafter!

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