Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chrono Trigger Unused Text

Okay, I'm doing a hack of CT SNES that shall serve to correct ONLY the errors that make no sense. Woolsey's liberal translation will be mostly untouched, meaning Lucca can STILL see the back of the moon with her glasses, Frog still talks like a white knight, and so on.

What I noticed was that there are some lines that never get used in the game as far as I'm aware.

I'm going to list them, and where I think they were supposed to be used.

"MOM: It's time to rise and shine! Dreams are for sleepers, son!"
This was likely meant for the beginning, where Crono's mom wakes him up.
It also shows up next to those lines in the editor I'm using, so there's another reason.

"MOM: Now, get out of that bed!"
Same as above.

"Mwa, ha, ha... It's complete! I've done it!"
I honestly have no clue where this would go.
Maybe Lucca would say this? Or maybe it's from one of Dalton's scenes, I dunno.
I'll just put it here anyways.

"Why is there a different guard on duty
at the castle every time I go there?"
Again, not sure about that one. Maybe it has something to do with
the Mystics or something?

"FRITZ: Welcome, Clone!"
Jeez, no idea what this one is.
Is he addressing Crono's clone,
or somebody who looks like him,
or what?

I'm not sure.

"Frog: Awake'th, Crono!"
Okay, you've got me. This is probably used in the game at some point.
Maybe at an Inn.

Anyway, if I see more, I'll post them, okay?

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